Sunday, February 3, 2008


I'm starting to worry about myself.

The last three guys I've dated kissed me just fine sober(ish) for our first kiss(es). But then, for the second or third date/kissing opportunity, every single one of them got drunk before they became affectionate.

Am I that bad of a kisser? (I've been told the opposite.) Am I that unattractive? (I've been told the opposite.) Okay...Am I that intimidating?

Clearly it's not because I'm too humble! ha..ha..eesh. I hate boys.

"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." --Genesis 3:12

This is sincerely all I want to be.

1 comment:

Sudiegirl said...

Maybe it's not you...maybe it's the boys and the fact that they like you but that fact (not you) makes them nervous.